Neuroprotection of the visual system: on October 7, a joint meeting in Rome

Two sessions (morning and afternoon), various in-depth analysis (on the one hand, retina and glaucoma; on the other hand, visual pathways and visual cortex), twenty-two contributions and speakers from Italy, United States and Germany and three lectio magistralis. These are the numbers – just to mention a few – of the joint meeting on the neuroprotection of the visual system, scheduled for Friday, October 7 at Gemelli Hospital Foundation in Rome.

With an international dimension, the academic conference is aimed at the acquisition of technical and professional skills in the field of neuroprotection, in which the recent development of pre-clinical and clinical research has led to the introduction of new and innovative therapeutic strategies for the treatment of neuro-degenerative diseases of the visual system.

Among the speakers, Benedetto Falsini, one of the leading international experts in retinal degenerative diseases. He attended the Oscar Pomilio Blumm Forum 2014 as a speaker, also receiving the Ethic Award for the ten-year commitment in medical research.

The event will be held at the congress centre of the Università Cattolica del S.Cuore, in the Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli - Aula Brasca (4th floor), Largo Agostino Gemelli, 8 - Rome, starting from 8:30 am and until 5:00 pm.

Organized for doctors specialized in ophthalmology, neurologists and paediatricians, the joint meeting is part of the continuing medical education program (CME) of the 2016 training plan of the Jaka Congressi Srl (ECM providers accredited at the AGENAS). 

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Neuroprotection of the visual system: on October 7, a joint meeting in Rome
